Midland Hutches© Tel: 07875 235925

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  Online and mail order website for ALL your pets needs! Including starter kits for those of you who have only just bought your pet. Great prices and Great Quality products.


Cumbria Bunnies Rabbit breeder in North Cumbria.

Bunny Haven Situated in Solihull West Midlands offers boarding for rabbits and guinea pigs and also breeds mini rex rabbits.

Rabbit Welfare  Information on how to care for house rabbits and outdoor rabbits.

Droitwich Ferret Welfare For all ferret welfare related information and advice.

Ross Rabbits Hobbyist breeders of companion pet rabbits including French Lop, Mini Lop and occasional British Giants. http://continue.to/rossrabbits  and http://continue.to/frenchlops


 Rabbit organisation providing a scheme to protect the welfare in the event of your hospitalisation. Sponsor a bunny opportunity, makes a great gift idea. Luxury Bunny Boarding in Worcester. Please support the Guardian Angels Sanctuary. 

Rabbit United Forum

UK Fife Canary Website

Pet Guardian Angels of America

Dog Club - Internet Dog Directory



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